An important outcome as a result of my research documented in “The King’s Son (The Evidence)” is that the “House of Wettin” Haplogroup of King George V, Edward VII, Edward VIII, George VI plus almost 600 of their ancestors is now known.
The list below shows all these men (the number next to the man represents the generation commencing from Dedi I, Count im Hassegau d. 957AD).
In addition, there are many living King’s and Prince’s who also share this same Haplogroup i.e. King Albert II of Belgium, Tsar Simeon Borisov of Bulgaria and Prince Michael of Kent are just a few of the many examples.
Also as a result of my initial work relating to the Wettin Line in 2012 (in which Brad Michael Little discovered that the Royal Wettin line was R1b-U106), ongoing research on the Wettin Line has been conducted by Dr Iain McDonald. You can obtain a copy of his latest research on the following website, named “The King’s Cluster“.
I was also honored when the prestigious Genealogical organization ISOGG (International Society of Genetic Genealogy) recognized my “Wettin Man” work and referenced it on their website in two locations:
1. “A Royal Success Story” and 2. “Royal DNA”
Find out if you are related to the famous Wettin line or any of the Kings or Princes listed below …. take either a Family Finder test (males or females) or a Y-DNA test (males only), the results could be very exciting.
The “Royal Wettin Haplogroup” for the House of Wettin is now positively confirmed. It is R1b > U106 > DF98.
The full SNP listing of the Royal Wettin Haplogroup is R-P310 > U106 > Z381 > Z156> Z306 > Z304 > DF98 > S18823 > S22069 > S8350 > Y17443 > L1271*
Note *: Updated in Jan 2022 as a result of another BIG Y tester being in the same “stall” as Wettin Man.
For more details please see:
FTDNA R1b-U106 Haplogroup Y-DNA Group

ISOGG Recognition
I was honored when the prestigious Genealogical organization ISOGG (International Society of Genetic Genealogy)recognized my “Wettin Man” work and referenced it on their website in two locations:
1. “A Royal Success Story” and 2. “Royal DNA”
Copyright Notice
The linkage that has been determined between the descendants of Dedi, Graf im Hassegau d. 14 Mar 957 (as listed), and the R1b-U106 Haplogroup is Copyright, with all rights reserved by Brad Michael Little. Permission is granted for such linkage to be published by other Parties, if this website ( is directly referenced in each such publication.